We all know this, and unfortunately staffers, local chiropractors, friends and family
can sometimes put pressure on a nursing home resident to start an exercise
program that's not right for them, just for the sake of doing something. There
is no one-size-fits-all program, though, because nursing home residents are
individuals with their own unique needs. Not everyone can get on the floor and
do 45 minutes of hot yoga -- even a 25 year old, let alone a 65 year old -- nor
should they.
The best strategy is to get the nursing home resident involved in
the decision about starting an exercise and wellness plan. If they have personal involvement
it will help them stay motivated. Staffers and family should listen carefully
to residents and find out what they like to do, what their goals are, and what
would give them a sense of accomplishment. Forcing an exercise program on
someone is just a recipe for failure. For instance, a resident who just wants
to be able to walk well enough to go outside and stroll around the garden on a
sunny day will only get frustrated by a program with more rigorous goals, and
will soon give up.
Listening well is the most important step in creating a
successful exercise program for a nursing home resident.