Tuesday, November 15, 2016


Alot of adults can probably remember a time in their teenage years when their parents constantly reminded them to "stop slouching". The teen years are awkward ones, when our bodies are changing rapidly and we experience growth spurts where we can grow several inches in a matter of months. According to a local Warrington chiropractor, teens often develop bad posture, because they're not used to the changes in their bodies (and if they've gotten taller they might slouch just to keep from getting noticed).

Unfortunately, that slouching habit can last far beyond the teenage years, and many adults still slouch when they stand or sit. Years of this poor posture can weaken our muscles, especially those in the shoulders, upper back, and all the way down to the abdominals.

When your muscles are working properly, they keep your body strong and minimize pain. When they’re stretched the wrong way because of slouching, it can lead to neck, shoulder, and lower back injuries. 

Here are some easy exercises to help you regain strength in your back muscles.

1. Pec Release. Face a wall while standing. Place a ball (a lacrosse ball works well for this) two inches below your collarbone and near your armpit. Lean into the ball and move back and forth until you find a tender area. Then, move your arm several times up and down and forward and back. Repeat for about a minute.

2. Wall Dips. Stand four feet from a wall and face it. Keep your feet shoulder width apart, with your knees bent. Lean forward and, with your arms straight, put your palms against the wall, thumbs up and fingers pointing sideways.

Bend forward at the waist, drop your chest toward the ground, and push your hips and butt backward.

Shrug your shoulder blades as you bend, and press your palms into the wall to make the upper back muscles engage.

Do 3 sets of 15 reps on each side.

These are just two exercises a Warrington PA chiropractor offers to help you strengthen your back. There are many more. The important thing is to work your back on a regular basis to fight the ill effects of slouching.

Monday, October 17, 2016


One of the biggest challenges for nursing home residents is staying active. There are many reasons why people fall into sedentary habits in nursing homes, including physical and mental limitations, fear of injury, the effects of depression, etc., but according to a Doylestown chiropractor, the truth is that physical activity prolongs health and life, and should be encouraged. There are many studies that show lack of exercise can increase the chances of a fall, or contribute to other health problems.

We all know this, and unfortunately staffers, local chiropractors, friends and family can sometimes put pressure on a nursing home resident to start an exercise program that's not right for them, just for the sake of doing something. There is no one-size-fits-all program, though, because nursing home residents are individuals with their own unique needs. Not everyone can get on the floor and do 45 minutes of hot yoga -- even a 25 year old, let alone a 65 year old -- nor should they.

The best strategy is to get the nursing home resident involved in the decision about starting an exercise and wellness plan. If they have personal involvement it will help them stay motivated. Staffers and family should listen carefully to residents and find out what they like to do, what their goals are, and what would give them a sense of accomplishment. Forcing an exercise program on someone is just a recipe for failure. For instance, a resident who just wants to be able to walk well enough to go outside and stroll around the garden on a sunny day will only get frustrated by a program with more rigorous goals, and will soon give up.

Listening well is the most important step in creating a successful exercise program for a nursing home resident.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016


We all lead busy lives, and some of us cram so much into our day that we don't pay attention to the need for sleep. A local chiropractor tells us that a good night's sleep plays a key role in health and longevity, and it's important to get the proper quantity and quality of sleep.

The problem is that even when we go to bed at a reasonable hour, we sometimes can't fall asleep because our bodies and minds are full of the residue of stress from our busy day. Our muscles are tense and our minds are agitated, so we're not able to fall into a deep, restorative sleep.

Yoga, offered by a chiropractor near me, is great for stretching and soothing tense muscles and relaxing an agitated mind. Here are a few yoga poses to help you get a better night's sleep.

. Child’s Pose. Kneel on the floor with your big toes touching but your knees spread apart. Slowly bend forward and walk your hands outward on the floor till your arms are straight. Touch your forehead to the floor and breathe in and out through your nose ten times.

. Forward Fold. From a standing position with your feet together, inhale and bring your hands up to the ceiling. Then, exhale as you bend forward, bringing your chest toward your thighs. Caution: to avoid back strain, keep your knees bent. This is a great pose for releasing tension in your neck. Hold the pose for as long as you’re comfortable, letting it relax and stretch your back and leg muscles.

. Straight Leg Twist. Sit on the floor with your right leg straight and your left knee bent, with the left foot flat on the floor. Wrap your right arm around your left knee and turn your body so you’re looking over your left shoulder. For support, place your left hand on the floor behind your left shoulder. Hold the pose for a few seconds, then repeat on the other side.

. Waterfall. Lie with your back on the floor next to a wall. Slowly walk your feet up the wall as you move your bottom till it touches the base of the wall. Spread your arms out to the side. Close your eyes and breathe deeply for as long as you are comfortable. This is a great way to stimulate blood flow, relieve aches and pains in your legs, and calm your mind before sleep. 

With these simple yoga poses from your Doylestown chiropractor, you’ll be able to release the tension from your day and prepare yourself for a great night’s sleep.